April 24 – 105th anniversary of the birth of the national hero Kassym Kaisenov

Kassym Kaisenov is the People’s Hero of Kazakhstan, the winner of the International Prize named after Fadeev. Fadeev, an outstanding writer, a courageous hero of the Great Patriotic War, a famous partisan, a unique son of our legendary nation in his lifetime. The veteran partisan for a long time was an editor, deputy editor of “Zhazushy” and “Kaynar” publishing houses. In 1954 K.Kaisenov published his first book “Zhas partizandar”. So begins his literary activity on heroic-patriotic theme. His books “Azhal auzynan”, “Zhau rearyndagy bala”, “Dneprde”, “Zhau rearynda”…are widely known to readers. They have been translated into Russian and Ukrainian.